Make a real difference in people's lives around New Jersey

Better pay. Better benefits. Better life for you & your family.

What are the most important things to you? A stable job with a stable income? Good benefits for you and your family? Your future and being able to retire with a secure pension?


All of these questions can be answered with an HVAC career with one of New Jersey’s four union Locals. Each local provides real opportunities to learn a trade that keeps our state’s businesses up and running. A job as a HVAC service technician or refrigeration technician with a contractor that employs union workers assures a stable career that you and your family can rely on in any business climate or economic situation.


The union offers industry-leading wages, unparalleled family-friendly benefits and work life balance that the private sector can’t even come close to. Unions have been offering these benefits for more than 224 years with a brotherhood and comradery that each member shares.


It’s never too late to join the union. Have some experience in HVAC or working for a private company where you’re not happy or the benefits have been cut even though you’re working late or on weekends? The union is here to welcome you.


No prior experience? No problem. We start with the very basics and work our way up teaching you the skills you need to become a master tradesman.


Tradesmen will also be given (read that as free) training while they are working for a union contractor to help expand their knowledge and skills. Yes, that’s right—you have the opportunity to learn while you earn.


If you’d like a reliable, rewarding career that you can count on and the chance to learn a new trade or enhance the skills you already have and continually grow in your craft plus enjoy income and benefits that ensure the lifestyle you deserve, now is the time to join.


Meet some members who have changed their lives with a union HVAC career.

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